For the first time, the High Wycombe Local Area Forum (LAF), invited organisations who have ideas for projects that will benefit specific communities in High Wycombe and Downley to submit proposals.
The LAF has allocated £17,500 for 'High Wycombe Decides' to enable residents to choose which of 8 projects they would like to see funded from this money.
Chiltern Rangers have been selected for the shortlist and we think they deserve your vote - you can do this online (here) and also via ballot forms which will be available in libraries, post offices, village shops and pubs. You have until 31st July 2015 to get your vote in!

Chiltern Rangers branded E-Z UP Shelter & Flags
Be a Ranger for a Day! Vote here!!
Chiltern Rangers is a Community Interest Company whose purpose is to improve the local environment and to enrich the lives of the local community through practical conservation work and volunteering opportunities. Chiltern Rangers would like to run a series of ‘Be A Ranger for a Day’ volunteering sessions to recognise the efforts of local community organisations especially those benefitting young people and thank those involved for making a difference in our town. They would like to provide a half-day session for up to 15 people - staff, volunteers, trustees, beneficiaries from local community organisations to come and give their own health and well-being a well-earned lift. They will benefit from a practical, physical session of conservation in a High Wycombe woodland or nature reserve with 2 Chiltern Rangers’ staff and some of their volunteers. Activities could include:
• scrub bashing (and a bonfire)
• coppicing
• cutting back paths and glades in the woods
• thinning trees
• removing invasive plants
• building a dead hedge
• tree planting
All have a positive impact on wildlife and on those taking part. The day enables participants to bond as a team, develop skills and flourish as individuals and above all have fun in the great outdoors and make a difference for local wildlife and the local community and finishes with a celebration lunch. The 'Be A Ranger for a day' sessions also help to improve High Wycombe’s environment for wildlife, visitors and the local community to enjoy, explore and discover, making High Wycombe more attractive as a destination and contributing to civic pride. For more information about Chiltern Rangers visit